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A debt consolidation loan is a single loan (generally from a financial institution) that allows you to repay your debts to several or all of your creditors at once. More...

debt consolidation

A home owner can obtain financing (a loan/mortgage) to secure a sum of money against their property. There are several features of a mortgage/loan. Such features may include: the size of the loan, maturity of the loan, interest rate, method of paying off the loan and other characteristics can vary considerably.

Debt Resolve Inc. has a team of professionals who will help assess your financial goals and provide various solutions to guide you to the appropriate source of lending.

We want you to own your home sooner by paying as little interest as possible over the life of your mortgage. That's why we have solutions for you!

How? For starters, you will always get our lowest rate available. No hassles, no haggling or running around for approvals. We get quick approvals and the best possible rate for you!

Our mortgage vendors have flexible prepayment options available. For instance, every year you can make lump sum payments of up to 25% of your original mortgage amount, at any time. No more waiting around for annoying mortgage anniversary dates.

Have some extra cash in your monthly budget? Consider increasing your payments. Having the right mortgage options means you can also increase your regular payments up to 25% every year.

Why would you want to do this? Easy - more of your money goes towards the principal. You pay less interest and save more money over the life of your mortgage.

Call us today and speak to one of our mortgage specialists or apply online. Should you have any questions or require any guidance, a dedicated representative will be available to guide you every step of the way.